On the 22nd of June I’m going to do a live performance at Electric Spectrum Experience in Groningen. Preparations have long started. Currently I’m arranging my guitar pedal board. I narrowed it down to some essential pedals. It is all about tone. I changed the chain a bit. I decided to use the stereo outputs from the Electric Mistress Deluxe to create a lush stereo image. It is wonderful! I had to chain the echo unit in mono for that but it sounds brilliant this way. Furthermore I’m experimenting with the Sansamp GT2 (Tube amp emulator) because I don’t want to use my real tube amp setup. After some trial and error the sound is coming out really nice now.
In addition I’m going to use a looper that will synchronize with a sequencer. So I can drive a Moog Minitaur sequence and do some guitar looping with it! Really cool! I will also bring the Sub Phatty and probably another synth or two…

Main focus now is the Tone. And reducing the amount of devices. Creativity flowing in many directions!